> 120 countries

> 165 Award Operators in Germany

> 3.000 participants

The Award is a framework for non-formal education and learning. It allows young people to discover strengths and passions and acquire social and emotional skills that empower them to actively shape their lives and our society.
You can participate in the Award between the ages of 14 and 24.

"Taking part has changed my life." (Bronze Award holder)

Are you ready for this challenge? You will find out what you are made of and at the same time equip yourself with important soft skills for life and work.

Live adventures with friends in untouched nature, overcome challenges together and build lifelong memories!

Gain experiences and leadership skills you could never gain within the classroom. From these you will benefit all your life but also increase your value to future teams and employers.

"The Award journey changes a young person's soul." (Prof. Dr. Barbara Ischinger, OECD Director of Education and Skills 2006-2014)

Experiences of self-efficacy, participation and appreciation strengthen young people’s mental health and lay the foundation for self-confidence and intrinsic motivation.

Through participation, young people develop and strengthen the skills they need in the 21st century to be well equipped for their lives, their careers and social challenges.

The Award programme builds global competencies and strengthens student agency. It motivates young people to work towards social cohesion throughout their lives.

"The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award supports equal opportunities and service, both close to my heart." (Elke Büdenbender, First Lady and judge)

The Award programme promotes all young people regardless of their socio-economic background and their starting point.

The experience of being able to help people in a concrete way, actively protect the climate and positively change our society leads to a lasting strengthening of Service in Germany.

The Award promotes young people’s participation and thus lays the foundation for a strong democracy.

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