Our vision and mission

Our vision is to live in a world that respects the right of young people to develop in the best possible way. A world where everyone has the chance to live a self-determined, fulfilled and participatory life.

The Duke Award supports young people aged 14 and over to develop their potential, discover passions and equip themselves with the key skills of the 21st century. The program’s guiding principle is:

“You can do more than you think!” (Kurt Hahn)


On the historical background of our vision

Our goals till 2025

Our goal is that by 2025

  • 3,000 new students start their award journey each year and at least half of them attend public secondary I schools.
  • at least 75% of our participants successfully complete their program and receive an Award.
  • at least 75% of all participants have gained self-confidence and feel more resilient as a result of their participation in the Duke Award than before their participation (surveyed by pre- and post-surveys).

Please contact us for further information on our Business Model, our Growth Scenarios, our Business Plan and/or our Strategy 2025-28. Information concerning our theory of change can be found on our German Website. Thank you for your understanding.