
Please register for the respective date, stating the code, using the registration form at the bottom of this page.

The participation fee for courses is 37.50 euros per person (for private educational institutions 75 euros per person).

By registering, you agree to our course conditions. Binding registrations should be made up to 14 days before the date of the course; last-minute requests will be honoured where possible. We reserve the right to cancel courses at short notice if the minimum number of participants is not reached or for other reasons and will inform you by e-mail in this case.


Course conditions Annual Calendar

Program courses

Participation in a program course is a prerequisite for accreditation on the Online Record Book. Participation enables you to take on the following roles: Award Coordinator, Award Leader, Supervisor and Assessor on Bronze and Silver level expeditions.

  • PL_27.3.25_B: Berlin (8.30-16.00; course language* German/bilingual materials)
  • PL_3.4.25_L: Leipzig (8.30-16.00; course language* German/bilingual materials)
  • PL_12.6.25: 8.00-16.00 online (course language* German/bilingual materials)
  • PL_26.9.25_U: Uckermark (Sternhagen); starts at 3 pm on Friday, ends at 12 on Sunday, including mini-expedition; bilingual; accommodation without additional cost at Freizeitheim Sternhagen)
  • PL_17.10.25_O: Osterburken/Odenwald (3-day course, starts at 3 pm on Friday, ends at 12 on Sunday, including mini-expedition; bilingual; please register as soon as possible as the training will only take place if we have enough participants; trainer: Klaus Vogel and Barbara Oehl)
  • PL_6.11.25: 8.00 – 16.00 online (course language* German/bilingual materials)
  • Juli: nach Vereinbarung; gerne Wunschdaten mitteilen
  • PL_11.12.25: 8.00 – 16.00 online (course language* English/bilingual materials)

*Course language: Own contributions are always possible in German or English, but a basic understanding of the respective course language is a prerequisite for following the course content.

Assessor course gold level

The course teaches the methodological skills for the assessment of gold expeditions. The target group is award leaders with experience of bronze and silver expeditions. Assessors at gold level must have attended this course. Note: Expedition technique is not taught.

  • GL_15.3.25: Assessor Gold level module in Frankfurt/Main (2-6 pm, only for participants of the Network Meeting 2025)

National network meeting

The next national network meeting (code: NWT_2025) for Award Leaders will take place in Frankfurt on 14-15 March 2025.

  • Get-together on 13 March in the evening; conference on Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (including parallel barcamps for different types of schools in the afternoon), followed by dinner together, mini-expedition on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Saturday afternoon optional module for accreditation as a gold assessor in wilderness areas (see above – separate registration)
  • Please write to us in advance if you have any special topic requests.

Our Youth Ambassadors are currently planning an alumni meeting for Award participants. If you are interested in supporting the planning committee, please contact us.


Information Network Conferences

Webinars for Award leaders

The webinars are voluntary and serve the purpose of individual further education, they provide a room for questions. Please register using the following codes, we will send you a Zoom-Link prior to the webinar.

  • Web_24.2.25: How do I create expeditions in the Online Record Book? Tips and tricks (5-6 pm on Zoom)
  • Web_24.3.25: How do I create expeditions in the Online Record Book? Tips and tricks (17-18 h on Zoom)



Award Leader Stammtische are held regularly throughout Germany. Please contact us if you would like to organise one in your city.

  • ST_Berlin_30.1.25: Meeting for Award Leaders and all those who would like to become one! From 7pm (location to be confirmed)

Student Mentor Training

We also offer program courses for student mentors on request. The prerequisite is the participation of at least 9 participants (accompanied by an adult) who have successfully completed the bronze level. These courses can be held in person in Osterburken or online.

Participants can also become involved as Youth Ambassadors and represent the programme to the public, as well as helping to shape the work of the association internally.


Youth Ambassadors

Open expedition weekend Sep 26-28, 2025

We offer an expedition weekend every year that is open to all participants in Germany. This is intended to relieve the burden on Award Operators who have participants who were unable to take part in their final expeditions. Prerequisite is prior participation in a practice expedition (exceptions can be made).

In 2025, this open expedition weekend will take place from September 26-28. It is open for Bronze (practice or final) and Silver (practice if Bronze was achieved). Participation is free of charge for participants. Registration needs to be submitted by July 1, 2025.

To join the list of interested participants, please register using the form at the bottom of this page and the following code: OE_26.9.25

Management course

The management course focuses on the systematic further development of the programme work and your educational institution. The most important result is the preparation of an updated development plan. The main target group is the members of the management team. Using the EFQM model as a compass, the development of the programme is practised on real problems and situations.

The management course is aimed at teams that already have many years of experience with the Award and would like to gain insights into how they can improve certain areas of their work. Dates by arrangement.

Expedition support

Experience has shown that the knowledge we impart in our training courses and manuals is sufficient to successfully prepare, accompany and evaluate expeditions.

Interested parties who would like to improve their practical expedition skills or receive support in the implementation of their expeditions can contact the following organisations, licensed by us. Please note that these organisations act on their own behalf:


Outward Bound 4Elements Nature Moves
