Why should I get involved in environmental protection?

Human activity causes more carbon dioxide (CO2) to enter the atmosphere, which increases the natural greenhouse effect. This causes additional warming of the earth’s surface. This is known as the man-made greenhouse effect.

This warming has many serious consequences, including droughts, heat waves, extreme weather events, warming of the oceans, rising sea levels and species extinction.

To stop this development, we must become climate-neutral so that the earth does not heat up by more than 1.5 degrees. To achieve this, CO2 emissions must be avoided and reduced.


Picture: Das Klimabuch, Gonstalla

Greenhouse effect explained Climate change: what to do now

How can my actions make a difference?

Are you wondering how we can quickly reduce emissions worldwide and what contribution you can make? Reducing your own carbon footprint is a good first step and, at best, saves 10 tons of CO2 emissions per year. However, 37 billion tons of CO2 were emitted worldwide in 2022.

So let’s take a look at your climate handprint. It describes how you can initiate major changes and thus also reduce the carbon footprint of others.

Calculate your own CO2 footprintClimate handprint explained

What can I do specifically?

If you want to protect nature, then the following areas are of interest to you:

  • Reforestation of forests by planting trees (trees store CO2)
  • Collecting rubbish and recycling it
  • Maintaining the school garden or creating a school garden
  • Bringing bees to school and setting up a beekeeping club
  • You can find even more ideas here


Climate protection is about reducing man-made influences on the climate:


General commitment to environmental protection:

  • Take a political stand for environmental protection in your own city (start and circulate petitions, organise and hold demonstrations/events, join a political party and submit motions)
  • Collect donations for or with a non-profit organisation
  • Attention talent! Further education through courses (see further education list) or books (see book list)
  • Involvement in a nature or environmental protection organisation (Nature Conservation Youth, Greenpeace, WWF Youth, GoNature)


We have collected a few more ideas for your green gold project here:

Further materials

Are you ready to get started? Then find out here!

Further education programmes:



  • Henne: Miserable crisis (2024)
  • Baunach: Hands up, climate change (2023)
  • Koschak: Heat, floods and tiger mosquitoes (2023)
  • Thunberg: The climate book (2022)
  • Neubauer: We still have a choice (2021)


Environmental protection starter pack:


Your expedition is coming up? Then find out here how you can plan and realise it in an environmentally friendly way.


Sustainable expedition