Why special projects?

Together with foundations, we support the implementation of the Duke Award where it can have a particularly large impact: At schools where many young people grow up in households where several problem situations often come together.

Where young people are caught in a downward spiral of poverty, poor starting conditions, failures, health problems, further failures and resignation, we equip them outside the classroom with the necessary self-confidence, resilience, skills and, above all, the intrinsic motivation they need to be able and willing to free themselves from the cycle of inherited poverty.

You can find our impact logic here.

What we use your support for

We provide very different support depending on the project. Feel free to contact us if you have specific statutory goals and wishes – our holistic programme approach enables us to develop tailor-made Duke programmes for very different needs of young people.

We help schools in challenging situations, for example, by coaching their participants and advising them on their personal Duke programmes. We also connect the young people with providers of activities in their area, such as youth centres, sports clubs, adult education centres, dance schools, museums, etc. We often also put them in touch with volunteers outside of school, who introduce individual participants to a personal passion over the period of their Duke participation and also coach them for life.

We almost always support the realisation of expedition training on site with human resources and plan the first expedition together with the participants and their teachers. If required, we provide everyone with the necessary expedition equipment and accompany the 2-4 day expeditions.

On these expeditions, we notice time and again that young people in particular, who are travelling independently in untouched nature for the first time, are suddenly sensitised to its beauty and develop the desire to contribute to its protection.

Based on this experience, we also offer a special project with a focus on nature and climate protection that combines two of our four programme areas (volunteering and expeditions).

Our Strong Teens projects at a glance

All projects will be continued independently by the participating schools and organisations after the end of the funding period.

We are sincerely grateful to the foundations supporting us to be able to realise the following projects:

  • Strong Teens – NRW (public schools in challenging locations in NRW; supported by the Special Projects Fund of the International Award Foundation and our corporate partner Thyssengas; duration until July 2024)
  • Strong Teens – Hesse (public schools in challenging locations in Hesse; supported by the Special Projects Fund of the International Award Foundation and private donors; runs until July 2025)
  • Strong Teens – Strong Future (for schools in rural areas in the eastern German federal states; supported by the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering, runs until 31 December 2022)
  • Strong Teens – Arriving in Germany (Duke participation of young refugees; supported by the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering; runs until 31 December 2022)
  • Starke Teens – Mittendrin auch ohne Deutsch (Duke participation for young refugees in Berlin; supported by Deutsche Postcode Lotterie; runs until 31.12.22)
  • Starke Teens unterwegs – Stand by me (expedition camps for young refugees from Ukraine; supported by the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung/Aufleben; runs until 31 August 2022)
  • Strong teens – strong for the climate! (commitment to nature and climate protection in cooperation with the Heinz-Sielmann-Stiftung)

Get in touch with us!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our special projects.

Contact us Impact report in accordance with social reporting standards

You can find a short portrait of our organisation here.


Foundations that support us

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