What is the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award?

The award is a non-formal education programme for young people that promotes personal development and the fulfilment of potential. Successful graduates receive an internationally recognised award.

Our association licenses educational institutions in Germany that wish to implement the Award programme on their own responsibility. At each educational institution, we train a number of educational professionals to become Award Leaders (mentors) so that they can support young people and young adults in their participation in the Award programme.

Each Award level (bronze, silver, gold) requires increasingly more time, commitment and personal responsibility from the participants.

Participants choose activities that interest them in the areas of commitment, fitness and talents and set themselves SMART goals. They also plan a multi-day challenge in nature and take it on together with friends. The process of goal setting, planning, realisation and reflection is accompanied by an Award Leader over a period of 6 – 18 months.


Award provider

Why does the Award exist?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award was founded in 1956 to promote the personal and social development of young people. The founders of the Award, the German experiential educator Kurt Hahn and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, wanted to empower young people by offering them opportunities for self-development and responsibility. Their aim was to mould personality and character through challenging and varied activities.

Impact Kurt Hahn

Who is the Award for?

Our association licenses educational institutions in Germany that wish to implement the Award programme on their own responsibility.

Licensed programme providers can be private and public educational institutions, such as schools, boarding schools, universities, youth clubs, companies, foundations and training centres.

Young people between the ages of 14 and 24 can then take part in the award programme through their local educational institution. As the expeditions are carried out without direct supervision, participation at Bronze level is only possible from the age of 14.

Becoming a Program Provider

Why should young people take part in the Award?

The Duke Award is fun, strengthens friendships and improves self-esteem. It teaches important skills for work and life that have a positive impact on CVs, university and job applications. Leading employers recognise the skills that Award alumni bring to their company.

Further reasons in favour of the Award:

  • Strengthening future skills
  • Application advantage for apprenticeships, universities or jobs
  • Positive impact on the lives of others and society
  • Improved mental and physical health
  • Creating memories that last a lifetime

My Participation

How is the Award changing education in Germany?

  • Holistic education: The programme emphasises the importance of holistic personal development that goes beyond purely academic achievements. It promotes social engagement, talent development, sport and outdoor experiences.
  • Equal opportunities: The Award is accessible to all young people, regardless of their social background. This contributes to the promotion of equal opportunities in the education system.
  • Partnerships with extracurricular learning centres: The award helps to network educational institutions with extracurricular learning centres.

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Is the Award suitable for my educational institution?

The Award is suitable for every educational institution.

This is because it ties in individually with the different structures of educational institutions. We have compiled implementation concepts across all federal states and types of educational institutions in order to visualise the diversity of the Award.

You can find the case studies here – we will be happy to put you in touch with our programme providers if you have any questions:

Case Studies