Who is our target group?

Our target group is your target group.

In principle, all young people between the ages of 14 and 24 can take part in the award. However, if your organization focuses on a specific age group, young people with special needs or gifted young people within this age range, you can easily design your program concept accordingly.

The only important thing is that participants take part in the award voluntarily.

As the expeditions are carried out without direct supervision, participation in the levels is only possible from a certain minimum age:

What is the role of adults?

We train adults to become Award Leaders, who accompany young people as mentors on their Award journey. Award leaders are often teachers, educational professionals, youth group leaders, but also parents, volunteers or award alumni.

Award leaders take on the following tasks:

  • They are responsible for the implementation of the Award program within their organization and communicate with the association.
  • They support the participants in their search for activities in which they can set themselves challenging goals.
  • In the event of difficulties, participants can rely on the support of their Award Leaders, who do not provide them with a solution, but motivate, guide and support them in finding a solution themselves.
  • They prepare the participants for the expedition, support the planning and preparation, and accompany them on site.

They enable the young people to experience many small successes and to acquire strategies that enable them to cope with unpredictable and difficult situations in the future. Participants learn that they can make a positive contribution to their environment and bring about change. They acquire new skills and perspectives that have a lasting impact on their lives.


Become an Award Leader

How much time do Award Leaders invest?

This depends on your programme concept, the size of the team, the number of participants, the levels offered, the type of expedition and the structures of your organization.

The following tasks and time resources can be identified for an Award Leader:

  • Participation in the course: 1 day (creation of program concept and annual calendar, registration in the ORB)
  • Planning and organization: approx. 8 hours for recruiting and onboarding participants, information events, parents’ evenings
  • Mentoring: 1 hour per week in person or via the app
  • Teaching all training content relevant to the expedition: approx. 8h
  • Conducting the trial expeditions: min. 1 day and 1 night
  • Conducting the final expedition: 2 days/1 night for bronze; 3 days/2 nights for silver; 4 days/3 nights for gold
  • Conclusion: approx. 3 hours for approval, ordering and presentation of the awards

Exchange ideas with active Award Leaders to get a first-hand impression:


Award provider

Which financial resources are needed?

In order to offer the Award, you should plan financial resources for the annual license fee, the Award Leader training and the participation fee for young people. These vary depending on the type of organization.

Expeditions can be run inexpensively in close proximity and without professional equipment. Over time, however, some educational institutions decide to purchase expedition materials themselves and lend them to participants. Here you will find a recommendation for materials including a cost calculation:

Expedition material Licensing costs


What is the legal framework?

The expeditions are a mandatory and indispensable part of the award. It is the responsibility of your educational institution to ensure a legally safe and appropriate framework.

  • Preparation: A final expedition should only be undertaken if thorough training has taken place, at least one trial expedition has been carried out and the training leader confirms that the participants are well prepared.
  • Declaration of consent: Our template declaration of consent from parents must be adapted to the respective concept of the school and the framework conditions of the expedition.
  • Insurance and legal framework: These aspects vary depending on the federal state. The program provider is responsible for taking out the appropriate insurance and complying with the legal framework.
  • Duty of supervision: The duty of supervision during the expedition is comparable to that of a school trip. Checkpoints should be set up to ensure the safety of the participants.
  • Internal guidelines: The internal guidelines of the educational institution as well as the child and youth protection guidelines of the association and their appendices must be observed at all times.

Compliance with these guidelines ensures that the expeditions can be carried out safely and in accordance with the rules.


Child Protection Policy Download consent form

Is the use of the app compliant with data protection regulations?

Participation in the award program takes place via the Online Record Book (ORB), a digital logbook. Personal data is collected in the process. This concerns the data of participating young people, the organization management and the award leaders. This data is only processed by us for the purposes of using our offer.

If personal data is collected in order to provide certain services, it will be stored by us on specially protected servers within the European Union.


Privacy Policy Download ORB's terms and conditions Online Record Book

Is this also suitable for my educational institution?

The award is suitable for every educational institution.

This is because it ties in individually with the different structures of educational institutions. We have compiled programme concepts across all federal states and types of educational institutions in order to visualize the diversity of the award.

You can find the case studies here – we will be happy to put you in touch with our program providers if you have any questions:


Case Studies

How do I develop a good concept for my organization?

The advantage of the Award is that it looks a little different at each educational institution because it can be customized to best suit your needs and circumstances. This means that at the beginning of your Duke journey, you will create a viable program concept that fits your organization.

Where can I find support?

  • During the course, we will develop a concept together and you will have access to helpful materials.
  • Our regional managers are available for further consultation.
  • Once a year, we arrange a feedback meeting (on site).
  • Exchange ideas with Award Leaders in the community or at face-to-face meetings.
  • Discover best practice examples in our blog (see below).


Participate in the course Contact Award Leader Community

I lack resources. What can I do?

We are at your side.

Feel free to contact us and arrange an initial consultation. Depending on the federal state, target group, financial and personnel situation, we will find tailor-made solutions to enable young people to participate in the Award.

Because every educational institution is different and can benefit individually from our know-how and the Award. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us