Award Operators receive access to our Handbook, Expedition Guide, the “Toolbox” and the international Award Community after participating in the Program Course.

Basic Documents & Other Resources


Last Updated
Registration form / Parental consent
The registration form includes parental/guardian consent and will be retained by the Award operator. Submission of the signed form to the Award Leader is a prerequisite for confirmation of registration via the Online Record Book – ORB by the Award operator. Award operators may design the official registration form according to their school-specific requirements.
The information letters for parents and students should be adapted to the needs of the Award operator.
March 2024
Information for Bronze Participants (German)

This booklet contains information to support new participants at the bronze level.

The smaller version can be sent by email.

November 2022
Licence Application and criteria for Award Operators

Award Operators ensure their compliance to these criteria.

May 2023
Order Form for Material from the Award Shop

To order material from our “Shop”: Please fill out and send by email to [email protected].

January 2022
Level Planer

To plan the personal programme on the different levels.

March 2020
Challenge Target

Mentoring tool to help you plan a personal DofE program.

October 2018
10 Requirements for Expeditions

These conditions must be met for an expedition to be recognized by the assessor under the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award program principles.

March 2024
Expedition Training Syllabus

Framework for the Expedition Training.

August 2019
Virtual Expeditions

Should expeditions not be permitted, it is possible for participants to undertake a virtual expedition. Please also refer to the Corona Regulations above.

March 2020
Topographic Maps 1:25.000

Topographic maps are available in well-stocked bookshops or online. They can be purchased as official sheet cuttings or – in almost all federal states – also downloaded digitally. In some federal states, it is also possible to order or digitally download self-selected map sections. Often the downloads are free of charge, but in some federal states, there is a charge.
The links opposite represent only a few possibilities, this is not a comprehensive list but represents a starting point for your own research.

August 2021
Route Card

Used for detailed planning of the expedition and, together with the map, represents the central elements of any expedition. Is also a core element of supervision planning.

September 2018
Meal Planner

Can be used as a template for planning meals during multi-day expeditions.

October 2020
Evaluation of Group Activity

To evaluate an expedition – can serve as a basis for planning the final expedition, especially after the practice expedition.

September 2018
List of Emergency Numbers

Template for emergency numbers on expeditions.

October 2020
Example of topographic maps

Map of an expedition area in the Uckermark, consisting of sheets 2848 Gerswalde, 2849 Warnitz, 2748 Haßleben and 2749 Potzlow, all available at or well-stocked (travel) bookshops.

The sheets can be glued together. Then an area for Adventurous Journeys is identified and cut out while retaining the coordinates on the side.

In this way, schools can compile their expedition areas as a copy template.






November 2022
Template for Expedition Consent

This template is for reference only and does not relieve Award Operators of the responsibility to create their own consent form adapted to the particular Adventurous Journey and school internal requirements.

November 2022
Expedition Kit - Packing list

Overview of equipment that may be required.

(c) DofE UK

Flyer Duke Award

Can also be hung as a poster in DIN A4 or A3 format.

January 2022
Duke Award Presentation (German)

This presentation is aimed at school administrators, teachers, school social work professionals and parents.

March 2024
Duke Presentation for Participants

This presentation in PowerPoint format is aimed at participants and can be adapted by Award Operators.

November 2022
Volunteer Management

Documents for volunteer managers on managing volunteers and application documents for volunteers at the Duke Award – Germany e.V.

Logo for Award Operators and Brand Guidelines

This logo may only be used by licensed Award Operators in accordance with the Brand Guidelines.

The Brand Centre is available to Award Operators for the printing of other marketing items, please contact us if you are interested.

November 2022