How much does it cost

When registering for the Duke in a public school or organisation you will be required to pay a participation fee of 7.50 euros per level. If you attend a private school or other organisation the fee is 15 euros per level. In some cases, you can receive a kind of “scholarship” at a public school and participate for free.

If you would like to document your activities in our printed booklet, your Award Leaders can purchase these in our Duke Shop for 5 euros (optional). Alternatively, you can use the Online Record Book (ORB Participant) – web-based or as an app.

Your school also pays our National Association a yearly license fee in order to be able to offer the Duke and a fee of 6 euros for your Award and a badge at the end of your participation.

There are also costs for the expeditions involved in doing the Award. To be well prepared on an expedition, you need equipment. This includes at least a tent or tarp, a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat and a stove. If your school or organization cannot provide equipment, it can be expensive. In certain cities (e.g. in Berlin at “Der Aussteiger”) you may receive discounts on expedition equipment. For this, indicate that you are a Duke participant.

Otherwise, expedition equipment flea markets are a great way to get equipment at relatively cheap prices. Perhaps you can also borrow these from family or friends. Or you can start a call at your school among the parents and teachers to donate equipment that they no longer need.

Here is an example of a packing list that shows you what you will need in the expeditions (in German).

Example of a Kit List

If your school takes part in a Strong Teens Project, the costs for the expedition usually mainly include the ticket to the expedition area and the cost of the food that you take with you on the expeditions. You will receive equipment (backpack or bike bags, tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, stove) free of charge from our Association.